My bum.
It feels weird lately. Like heavy and big. And low-slung. It doesn't feel like a part of me, I feel like I'm dragging around someone else's ass. Strange eh?
My clothes fit fine. I don't have one of those mirrors where I can see it, so I can no way of telling if it looks any different. It sounds the same when Jo smacks it when he walks by (endearing, right?)
I feel like someone attached a mom-bum to me when I was sleeping.
The mental image of somebody attaching an ass to you in your sleep is hilarious. I laughed and laughed. And laughed.
It's those mom jeans you're wearing. Your bum naturally grows into whatever kind of jeans you're wearing (like fish in a fish tank adapting to their environment). Throw out the mom jeans and get some hip, low-slung skinny jeans. Go now
NOOOOOO! Only those ladies at your last place of employment wear SMJs - Soccer Mom Jeans! Bring out those Daisy Dukes of yours, woman! You need an ego boost, stat!
- Your Friendly Neighbourhood Curator
LOL... One day I'd like to wake up and find out that part of my ass has gone missing.
ha i am with Nat on this one
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