Appeal to the General Public
I can see the writing on the wall. Grace just got over her last batch of nightmares, and with all the scary ghouley things out there this time of year, I suspect her mind will trap these images and haunt her for the next two months. This means my change at 8hrs sleep in a row is one again shot.
I have thought about suggesting not going trick or treating this year, but that would just be cruel. Besides, scary images are everywhere this time of year, and there is no escaping them unless I lock her up and throw away the key (which would mean me spending 24-7 with her which just wouldn't be good for anybody!)
Grace is aware of the anxiety that Hallowe'en is going to cause her, and we have discussed the "holiday" ad nauseum, and I really really do hope that she will do her best not let her imagination get the best of her. Meanwhile, she has appealed to me to ask everyone (and I'm flattered that she feels her mother is bossy enough that she can communicate to the world) if everyone could do this one this Hallowe'en:
Could everyone just please dress up as a bunny rabbit this year?
We'd be much obliged.
ok we arent going as a bunny. but is hannah montana ok?
Leah will be a very not-threatening Princess Leia. And Rae as a 4-foot pirate wouldn't scare a bottle of rum.
I hope for both your sakes that it goes well on Halloween.
Seriously, that bunny is freaky-scary. I'd rather encounter a monster
I take it she hasn't seen Night of the Lepus?
Funniest. Movie. Ever. (besides maybe Top Gun), but it might drive a kid like that around the bend ...
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