Thursday, May 08, 2008

Looks aren't everything....

Have you noticed how pretty my blog is lately? Inspiring, isn’t it. When I blog, I literally compose my witticisms in Word, and ctrl-C and ctrl-V into Blogger. Occasionally I’ll get all fancy and download a picture, scribble on it, probably more for my shits and giggles than for anyone else (though if you do laugh, that makes me really happy). And SOMETIMES I get really excited and share/impose my musical taste on people and post a YouTube video. Anyhooo, I thought I’d try and do something fancy with The Blog. Actually, all I really wanted to do was install one of them there fancy blogrolls, y’know, give props to the folks I read. Well, I don’t know what I have done, I guess I panicked a bit and started cutting and pasting things I had no business cutting and pasting and now my poor little blog looks like a victim of the IceTruck Killer (shout out to Dexter fans).
So, I’m not sure what to do. Do I abandon the project altogether and go back to typing, photocopying and mailing an annual Xmas letter to fill people in on my activities? Start a whole new blog? Continue with this ugly-ass one?

Please don’t suggest I use the Blogger Help feature, instruction manuals and I broke up a looonnnngggg time ago.


Anonymous said...

It's been awhile since I used my Blogger account, but can't you just go in and choose a new template? And then it tells you how to add links?

You could switch to Wordpress--importing all your posts from Blogger is SUPER simple, and you can switch templates really easy. Their blogroll feature is easy to use, too...

Grandy said...

As Alissa said, you could go to Wordpress. Or, if you go into your dashboard/or customize (up at the top of your page when you log in to blogger)you should be able to "Add a Page Element". Then it will take you to a list of things you can add. Select Link List and then go from there. It's not too late.

Where did you find that beast pic??

Anonymous said...

Keep on keepin' on, M.O.M.!

Your fans need you. Like coffee.


-Your friendly neighbourhood curator

XUP said...

I love the Dexter books -- haven't been able to stay up late enough to see the TV show. Anyway, I don't care how the blog looks -- it's the words that are important

Carrie Wilson Link said...

Screw 'em all. Your blog is fine!

alison said...

Just keep on scribbling on photos for my amusement and telling me stories about Grace and Edie so that I can see that I'm not the only parent dealing with little girls who don't behave quite how I expect.

Bells and whistles are overrated.

jo said...

yah Dexter--never thought I could fall in love with a serial killer but Michael Hall makes it all okay.