Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Because you didn't ask......

I am feeling better, thank you! So wrong on so many levels. And my throat still kinda hurts but I am ignoring it (if I ignore my children they eventually go away, why should a sore throat be any different?) What a strange summer cold. Speaking of summer.....

The weather is glorious and I give the mighty third finger to those of you who are complaining about it. This is how summer should be. Speaking of hot.......

Our pool is clear and awesome. Do you know anyone who designs floating dinner trays? Cause it would be really convenient if we didn't have to get out of the pool to eat. Speaking of eating.....

Edie is driving me bananas with her finicky eating these days. She resists her meal then after we all done she then wants her plate back, wants be to feed her like a baby, etc etc. I hate dealing with food with the kids because I never know what the "right" message is to be sending. Clear the plate/don't clear the plate; eat some and get dessert; try something new or not...ugh. I don't want kids who end up with eating disorders because of something we did as parents that messed them up. Speaking of eating disorders.....

I clearly don't have one because I was walking the other day and felt something odd. I realize it was my thighs rubbing against each other. I am not cricket. My legs should not be rubbing together as a means of communication. I am a 37 year old woman who needs to resolve this stat! Speaking of being 37......

I am slathering myself in 50 spf these days in a fruitless effort to reverse sun damage from my mis-spent youth. Am seriously considering bringing my face into the shop for some maintenance. Have you contemplated this yet? Be honest! Speaking of being honest....

I am feeling less than inspired with the olde blog these days. Be honest, should I publish random shit or wait until inspiration hits and hit ya with doozy now an then? Speaking of blogging.....

I had every intention of attending BOLO this year (look it up you non-blog geeks) but something better came up. Seriously. A date with my dad (see item 4) and sister to go see the Gypsy Kings. For all those going, have fun!


Stella said...

You're not going? But I'M going even though I have no working shower and I can't find half my clothes! (Maybe this is not a selling point... Hmm.)

Oh well, I guess Dad nights are pretty rad...

I'm also not feeling blog inspired, but I am holding out hope my brain will make its way back to me.

Sometimes I wonder about how I'll feel about taking my face to the shop when it starts to catch up with my wild youth (har har). I'd be curious to hear your thoughts on it.

Anonymous said...

There is very little more annoying to me than when kids come over to our place to eat and they turn their noses up at everything. I imagine they were raised with parents who were afraid of doing the wrong thing lest they give them eating disorders. I say provide good, nourishing, healthy meals - and a good variety of different foods/ethnic foods, etc. and make sure your kids understand that this is the meal and that they are expected to eat it. Only put a very little on their plate which they must finish and then they can have more if they want. If they don't finish by the time the rest of the family has enjoyed their meal (or shortly thereafter), then they don't eat -- no desserts, no special meals. They'll soon get the hang of the game plan. No exceptions.