Thursday, September 18, 2008

Does this make you sad, mad…. or just make you want to move to a little island somewhere?

I was on the bus the other afternoon going home. Now that school is back in, I share the bus with the local high school kids who happen to leave school the same time I leave work I guess. Most days, I plug in my headphones and try to ignore them as their conversations tend to be loud and obnoxious. I’ve been there and done that, I don’t need to relive it through these kids. And, they tend to keep to themselves with their drama (and trust me, who said what to whom can reach ear piercing drama), so they generally don’t bother me at all. However, the other day, at Billings Bridge, an OC Transpo security dude got on the bus, and a real cop boarded the bus. I of course had to eavesdrop because this is the kind of drama I need to know about.

Apparently, the day before, a bunch of high school kids got on the bus and proceeded to cause all kinds of mischief – including jumping on the rear door steps so the bus would be disabled and the driver couldn’t go anywhere. They were being too loud, too obnoxious, so the bus driver asked them to pipe down and settle down. Apparently, the kids went off on the bus driver, got in his face, told him to f-himself (re. my previous post, I do not approve of this kind of abuse of the f-word) and berated him, harassed him and pretty much made life miserable for all. These are 14, 15, 16 year olds. The driver was upset enough to contact his security people and get the police involved and wanted to have some kind of back up for when the kids boarded the bus. The driver is a NICE man, polite, does his job and he does not deserve to be treated this way, and this behaviour by these kids enrages me. It enrages me so much, I suspect if I had been on the bus that day, I would have stood up to these kids and told them to sit the fuck down (this is proper use of the f-word). And, it enrages me so much, I may have stalked one or two of these kids home and informed their folks of how their children treat other human beings.

I was a teenager. In many ways, I wasn’t a very good one, I get it. But, I would NEVER had treated someone, particularly an adult, in such a way. What are we teaching kids that makes them think they can speak to someone and affect an entire, standing room only bus, in such a way?

The kids didn’t get on the bus that day, so the security entourage was in vain. But it really saddens me that it came down to this, and that this bus driver was so shaken up.

I might add that my bus route goes through some pretty darn nice neighborhoods. This has nothing to do socio-economy. It has everything to do with some kids who need to be taught some respect.

I promise next post will be happy one. I have so much angst lately!


~*Jobthingy*~ said...

ill tell you exactly what it is.. parents are all trying so hard to be their childs friend that they forget to parent and these kids have no respect.

soft discipline bull shit. smiling and cuddling your child while gently and sweetly saying 'sweetheart that is wrong, now go play with your toys' teaches them NOTHING. sweet fuck all.

it is enough to drive me to drink. parents are the boss. but too many let they kids run the show.

ok.. im taking over your rant LOL.

alison said...

That just sucks. I think Jobthingy has hit the nail on the head.

Anonymous said...

Parents all seem to be afraid of their kids, too. Maybe it's the plethora of pop psychology out there & everywhere that makes parents petrified to do or say the wrong thing, so they do nothing. Discipline is also a lot of hard work, especially for kids that aren't calm, nice, sensitive by nature (and not a lot are). You have to stand your ground; you have to go over the same things again and again and again; you have to punish sometimes and stick to the punishment; and you have to absolutely keep on top of things -- always. When you work all day and have a million things to do in the evenings the last thing you want is yet another confrontation with your you let stuff slide until pretty soon you have no control anymore and they have zero respect for you and consequently none for anyone else (including themselves). I know these things because I work my ass off to maintain control and discipline and my child is one of the good ones by nature. Parenting a 24/7 job - if you don't give 110% it can turn ugly real fast. (And, how come I've never seen you at Billings? I'm there twice a day, too)

aandjblog said...

I used to take the 5 every morning into work. Between September to June, it was full of high school kids. All taking up one seat and one seat for their bag. These kids need to learn that the bus is for EVERYONE. Not just them! So put that bag on your lap and make space for the us working type people too.

aandjblog said...

I used to take the 5 every morning into work. Between September to June, it was full of high school kids. All taking up one seat and one seat for their bag. These kids need to learn that the bus is for EVERYONE. Not just them! So put that bag on your lap and make space for the us working type people too.