I've been tagged! This is pretty fun, if, y'know, you like to talk about yourself ad nauseum *nods head violently*. Join in on the fun!
Thanks Alison for tagging me on this!
4 jobs I’ve had
Club Monaco (where size 2 girls go to feel fat and where I fell in love with “the gays”)
Museum of Science and Technology (choo-choo train technical drawing archivist – eeeyah, as exciting as it sounds)
Stats Can archivist (a litte more exciting….)
Portrait Gallery of Canada – Yes! I have arrived! This is a pretty fun job….
4 movies I could watch over and over
Goodfellas, Pretty in Pink, Breakfast Club and National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation, every holiday season.
4 TV shows I watch
The Office, 30 Rock, Gray’s Anatomy and, don’t judge me, America’s Next Top Model (Tyra is so fierce!)
*I did not know that The Tudor’s had started already, shit! I’ve got some lips I mean t.v. to catch up on!
4 places I’ve lived
Manotick, Lennoxville Quebec, Ottawa (ummmm, now I’m depressed)
4 favourite foods
Pecan pie, lasagne, sweet potato fries, does wine count as a food?
4 favourite colours
Tofino sunset, Frozen canal, Frontenac brick and Muskoka dust……
Light yellow, moss green, black, charcoal grey
4 places I’d love to be right now
In-law’s cottage on couch in front of the fireplace with my book; Las Vegas Rockabilly convention; Richard Branson’s island for super-rich people; and, well, I’m feelin’ a little sentimental today, I would actually like to be at home with my family.
4 names I love but could/would not use for my children
Ava, Eva, (friends grabbed them before we could); Henry, Gordon (didn’t have boys).
My turn to tag……I’m gonna task my new friend Allisa and my old friend Chantal
Can do! Look for it Monday or Tuesday.
I have a niece named Aiva. Such a cute name :-)
Signy has that t-shirt.
Just read your comment on my blog. That's priceless. What did the churchgoers do?
The cottage with fire/book sounds great. I like the name Ava too, funny it never occurred to me while pregnant. Find someone who's taped or pvr'd The Tudors. Amazing. The king and his close courtiers/brat pack are some amazingly good-looking men. And in the first epi, at least 2 of them spent a satisfyingly long time naked. Oh yeah, and there's a story too, something historical....:-)
Goodfellas is such a good movie and I hate gangstar movies. :)
How fun!
I could watch Pretty In Pink over and over again also.
And Ava is one of my favorite names, but Prince Charming didn't like it.
I have never seen Goodfellas. It's something my best friend just can't accept, LOL -- I think she's seen it about six hundred times. In my defense, I've seen parts of it, but never the whole movie. And the worst part is...I own it.
Oh -- and I'll tell you something. My entire world stops on Wednesday nights at 8pm when America's Next Top Model is on. I completely shut everything down in order to watch that show. I LOVE it. LOL!
I would just like to point out that The Tudors is available in full episodes on CBC.com. (Which is great for me as we don't have cable and our reception is shite! ;o))
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