Monday, September 03, 2007

What the hell??? I finally get the kids to bed, fire up the 'puter, and Facebook is down! Oh my god, what did i used to do with my life between 9 and 10 at night before there was Facebook? I totally forget! Maybe I'll go dig up that husband I had kicking around somewhere....

On a sidenote, I'm soooooo disapointed that no one did my music questionnaire. C'mon, Christopher? Jannet? Jo? I kno fo shizzle that you guys read my shit....c'mon! Make momma proud!


alison said...

I did it. Really, I did.

Beach Buddies & Gimli Playgroup said...

I just finished. Now I need a drink.

alison said...

Oh. I did it on my blog, like it was a meme.

Anonymous said...

I'm having that problem with Scrabulous... I just got firmly addicted to playing it through Facebook, and now it's down half the time I can actually find to click through. Argh!!