Thursday, July 19, 2012


I want to change the name of my blog.

In point form, as minimally verbose as possible:

-I am no longer really mean (that's me, catatonic in the corner, waving the white flag of surrender, just praying that they just make to 18 alive).

-I am no longer old (this is the year I officially start denying my age and pay big bucks for products that claim to burn off your skin to reveal Younger!  More Youthful! skin (I'm sure cosmetic companies wouldn't use teenage girls to advertise their beauty products, right?)

-I'm still Mommy to one, but the older one called me Mom yesterday in front of her friends.  After I sucked in some hot humid air, I threw my shoulders back and realized that there is change in the wind, and calling me Mom caused a tectonic shift surely being felt all over the northern hemisphere  (oops, a little verbose, sorry.  I just wanted to write "tectonic shift" - maybe this will become a geology blog, or, tectonic shift will become the name of my new band - I dunno, I dunno!  I am giddy with the options!  Shoot, there goes the verbose thing again).

Let the fun begin.   A new name.  Don't worry, I will still humiliate my family on occasion, but I will primarily focusing on humiliating myself.

Ooooooh look out you rock'n'rollers!

1 comment:

Lynn said...

For you, I would definitely suggest a lyric from a favourite song. There must be something out there that really speaks to you (and would be cool, too).