Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Yesterday, someone slipped me a key to heaven.
Now that I know a million dollars will not fall on my lap, my potential as a groupie for Social Distortion is no longer a reality, and my ability to fit into size 2 skinny jeans went out the door when I hit puberty, I appreciate the little things in life. You may pity me for getting such a high off of these little things, but for me, they just make my day.
1) Both times I needed to catch a bus today, the bus miraculously showed up (and slowed down to pick me up) just as I was approaching the stop
2) I got a coupon for a free drink a Starbucks because they made me wait too long for my coffee (I was kind of enjoying the people watching while I was waiting)
3) When we went to pick up Grace a the park, we had a great review of her day, and she actually left willingly when we told her it was time to go home
4) Both girls ate what Jo and I ate for dinner (Turkey Scallopine in a lemon sauce) which is highly unusual. Edie flung some sweet potato at Grace, and we all laughed about it (instead of Grace erupting in tears)
5) Grace opted to play in her room instead of watching t.v before bed....she was playing machine gun with her princess wand, but hey, she's using her imagination! (I think she is growing weary of the wholesome Daniel Cook and Emily Yeung)
6) Both girls went to bed without a hitch, and seemed kind of happy to heading off to dreamland.

Okay, so I'm not arm candy for Mike Ness, but I have a great family and they all make me smile and feel warm and fuzzy inside.

*I don't think Jo feels the same way about me today - I forgot to tape Prison Break for him last night after he asked me to promise promise promise not to forget. Oops.*

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