And check out page 64:
Now the switch from shimmering to sparkling is to be commended, however, I was not fooled, I see what they did there. I have to think of the audience though - I can practically see the whirlwind of fairy dust swirling around Edie's head as she falls asleep at night, dreaming about how the hells happy bells will the dust will be distributed in the next chapter????????
*puffy heart* Zayne grabbed my attention for it's particularly articulate persuasiveness :

Oh girl, can we try one more, one more time?
One more, one more, can we try?One more, one more time I’ll make it better
One more, one more, can we try?
One more, one more,
Can we try one more time to make it all better?
So note to Edie, stick to Rainbow Magic, at least they use adjectives.